Corporate offering

Have you ever found yourself needing skills and expertise in your business today, but when looking around for it, find it is either not there, is lacking or is being deployed elsewhere?


These courses have been designed by someone who has been there and done it – many times over. The courses are built with a healthy mix of theory and practical. The practical is delivered through case studies, demonstrations, tools and templates. Students leave LBI courses able to begin delivering what they have learned practically, from day one.

With our courses there is a genuine upskilling of an individuals skills, not just a transfer of readily available knowledge. This is what sets our courses apart from anything else out there – real world knowledge and experience of how to deliver the topics in question in a range of setting, scenarios and industries.

To build these courses, we worked with a number of businesses in various industries to understand their skills gaps, their skills needs and their plans for future training & development. We conducted a series of Gemba Walks and observations of staff in these businesses to understand what skills were lacking that could support them in their day to day roles, and their day to day challenges.

From this, we saw how many people are more reactive over proactive when something goes awry. We saw a lack of skills to support this reactivity, so when something did go awry, time was wasted trying to work out what to do. In planning for the future, leadership and management were not planning for “what if” moments, for the impact of growth on processes or identifying the right strategies to reduce risk.

From this work we found that many of the lacking skills were those that had been lacking for years, and will be required for years to come. These were many but included managing projects robustly, dealing with errors and issues as soon as they arose, proactively improving processes to accommodate future growth – and many, MANY more.

With our courses there is a genuine upskilling of an individuals skills, not just a transfer of readily available knowledge. This is what sets our courses apart from anything else out there – real world knowledge and experience of how to deliver the topics in question in a range of setting, scenarios and industries.

Our courses are reasonably priced and therefore it won’t cost you several thousands of dollars/pounds/euros to have your team(s) enrol on our courses. We have also designed these courses to ensure those completing them can begin working with their new found skillset from day one. This means they are likely to become more engaged with their work, more willing to stay and develop with your business and want to begin putting their new skills to the test.

“My team doesn’t have the time to train let alone take on new skills and responsibilities”. How should I approach this comment from people in the business?

Based on many years of experience, often it will be the case that they actually do have the time. Changes within teams are usually to help them work smarter, not harder. However, if you are finding it hard to win people around, here is what you can do.

  • Sell the value of the course for the business. If X person in your team gains new skills in this topic they will be able to save the company time, effort and money, and improve performance, quality and satisfaction along the way.
  • Sell the value of the course for the immediate team. By conducting this training, said person will be able to reduce errors, issues and problems. They will be our go to for waste reduction, process improvement and change.
  • Sell the value of the course for the individual. If we want to keep retention rates high, we need to upskill and show our staff the development opportunities available within the business.

It is important to stress here that problems plaguing the team, time being waste and errors going unresolved will not go away without some time and financial commitment. In the long run, time and money will be saved. Plan ahead for the training, approach it piecemeal if needed and get it done.

This should be pretty quick. The course has been designed to give practical knowledge and show how to practically deliver what is taught. If you put the learner’s new skills to work on day 1, they can begin to use the knowledge, tools and templates, the methodologies, techniques and approaches right away.

Depending on your project and the ask of the work, the benefit of upskilling individuals within the business and not going external becomes very apparent here. You can tie performance and outputs to their professional development and annual performance goals, see them changing and improving instantly and deploying tools to tackle problems as and when they arise.

The honest answer is all. Given the fact that the knowledge presented in our courses is not too technical, it has been readily deployed in all industry types before AND the tools, techniques and demonstrations all cover different industry types within the courses, whatever industry you are currently working in, you will feel comfortable enrolling into our courses.

What is often the reaction to this?

Looking external to hire a professional who can come in, do the work and leave – at a very high cost. The costs here include:

  • Financial. Hiring someone in at a highly inflated rate.
  • Time. Having to wait for them to be available to support you.
  • Disruption. Having the team “get them up to speed” with processes, people and procedures.

On too many occasions we have seen external consultants come in for say, a 6 month contract, and deliver around 3 months of actual value adding work. We have seen projects and programs delay and we have seen growing frustration at situations not being resolved quickly enough.

Not only all of this, but once a project is complete, another one will be coming up, and you have to repeat this cycle all over again.

At Leading Business Improvement, we have designed our courses to ensure you can upskill your teams with the skills they and the business needs quickly, at a reasonable cost and to enable them to start delivering from day one. We have created a course offering (a constantly expanding one) which can upskill your teams to:

  • Improve your business, operational and organizational performance.
  • Improve customer and colleague satisfaction rates.
  • Reduce waste in terms of time, effort and money.
  • Reduce issues, errors and ultimately risk.
  • Deliver a more effective, efficient and productive process, team, department and company.

We are fervent believers in looking inwards for talent first, before going to expensive external consultants. Choosing our offering will reduce your need to do this not only today but longer term, with extra benefits including a more engaged team, better retention rates and a more proactive team, improving and changing today before something potentially goes awry tomorrow.

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