Robert Chapman

Director - Leading Business Improvement

About Robert Chapman


Robert has been working in the field of business improvement for over a decade now. Certified and highly experienced in Lean Six Sigma, Project Management and Business Improvement, Robert has worked across industries and geographies. From FTSE 100 and S&P 500 companies to Stockholm Nasdaq and small, regional firms, this experience has been deployed across the full spectrum of industry.

This work has seen projects being delivered to save thousands to millions of dollars, hundreds of hours, improve operational performance and set businesses up for the many challenges to come in the future. The focus of Robert’s work is always to define the challenge / opportunity, design the best possible solution and deliver the highest quality outcome. 

Why Robert found LBI

Robert set up LBI for 2 key reasons:



Robert Chapman

I am a Business Improvement professional and I have acquired a wealth of skills and experiences in Project Management, Lean Six Sigma and Process Improvement throughout my employment. I have delivered projects that have saved organisations thousands of pounds, thousands of hours, streamlined and automated numerous processes, implemented new systems, improved colleague and customer experience and reduced errors and waste considerably. I also hold a Black Belt certification in Lean Six Sigma.

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