LBI: The journey so far...

Leading Business Improvement has ambitious growth plans to become the number 1
education provider of courses and content in the Business Improvement space. How did we get here? Learn more about this journey below.

Nov 2020

LBI was founded during the UK’s second lockdown of 2020.

The first course to be created was “Create an Effective Business Case”.

The first students began signing up for the business case course.

Due to the successful response to  the business case course, plans were swiftly made to launch more courses in Q1 2021.

Jan 2021

Mar 2021

The launch of our most popular courses to date - Process Improvement and Root Cause Analysis.

Both of these courses have gone on to see millions of minutes taught globally.

LBI partners up with a number of course provider and market place companies to expand the distribution of courses.

This saw the LBI offering expand to include Lean Six Sigma courses and encompass many more countries.

Aug 2021


The 2022 focus is on new course launches. This includes a series of improvement tool, methodology and how to courses.

In 2022, over 20 new courses were launched in total.

The course store and website launches

The launch brings the current offering to new audiences, with additional offerings with free resources, article content, tools and templates.

Jan 2023

Jan 2024

LBI reaches over 250,000 students enrolled onto at least 1 course.

Over 50 courses have now been created, with more in the pipeline. The current offering is also now reaching employees of medium and large businesses through a dedicated corporate offeirng. 

LBI is currently expanding its offering in automation, RPA and Artificial Intelligence.

Plans are afoot to launch a series of new courses in this space as we expand into new markets, attract new students and upskill in those in-demand areas.

Q4 2024

Our Instructor - Robert Chapman

Robert has been working in the field of business improvement for over a decade now. Certified and highly experienced in Lean Six Sigma, Project Management and Business Improvement, Robert has worked across industries and geographies. From FTSE 100 and S&P 500 companies to Stockholm Nasdaq and small, regional firms, this experience has been deployed across the full spectrum of industry.

This work has seen projects being delivered to save thousands to millions of dollars, hundreds of hours, improve operational performance and set businesses up for the many challenges to come in the future. The focus of Robert’s work is always to define the challenge / opportunity, design the best possible solution and deliver the highest quality outcome. 

Why Robert found LBI

Robert set up LBI for 2 key reasons:


To educate people on the potential of business improvement and how they can effectively deploy it in their business.


To support businesses on their journey to improve their people, performance, products and processes. 

LBI has been built on a passion for the industry and a constant desire to help businesses thrive.

I am a Business Improvement professional and I have acquired a wealth of skills and experiences in Project Management, Lean Six Sigma and Process Improvement throughout my employment. I have delivered projects that have saved organisations thousands of pounds, thousands of hours, streamlined and automated numerous processes, implemented new systems, improved colleague and customer experience and reduced errors and waste considerably. I also hold a Black Belt certification in Lean Six Sigma.

Why choose us?

Leading Business Improvement is an education solutions provider, offering a range of courses and training options to our customer and client base. We serve corporate clients and individual customers alike, providing pre-recorded digital courses, virtual and in-person training.

LBI courses are focused on the world of business improvement. Any tool, topic or methodology that can be used in the pursuit of improvement and operational excellence, we cover it! From Process Improvement to Root Cause Analysis, from Lean Six Sigma to Total Quality Management, from Business Improvement Planning to Process Automation, our offering is extensive and growing.

LBI was founded in 2020 and has grown rapidly ever since. Founded by Robert Chapman, who has years of practical experience in this field, he noticed the sheer lack of the right type of skills within businesses – namely, those skills that enable individuals to take on the mantle of change and improvement within their businesses confidently and successfully. Based on this experience, and working with many organizations in various industries, LBI was created, and with it the course content required to plug that skills gap.

Businesses today are crying out for their colleagues to come with solutions not problems, with ideas not complaints, with a plan not a list of demands. Our courses are highly practical and interactive, ensuring our learners get the skills they need to begin changing and improving their organizations as soon as they complete the course.

10 reasons to choose LBI over other course providers

  • Interactive Courses: We offer hands-on training with demonstrations, tools, exercises and case studies, ensuring you can practice as you learn.

  • Expert Instructor: Our instructor brings vast experience from across various sectors, translating real-world challenges into practical examples.

  • Diverse Content: Our courses cater to all learning styles, with content presented through graphics, detailed text, interactive demonstrations and practical exercises.

  • Affordable Pricing: We offer high-quality, comprehensive courses at reasonable prices, ensuring value without unnecessary costs.

  • Immediate Application: Our content is designed for immediate use, with tools and examples that allow you to start delivering results from day one.

  • Exclusive Courses: Our pre-recorded courses are unique and not available elsewhere.

  • Comprehensive Offerings: We provide a wide range of tools and methodologies in one place, covering all key topics in this field.

  • Flexible Delivery: Courses are available pre-recorded, in-person, or virtually, tailored to your preferred learning style.

  • Feedback-Driven: Our courses are built on real business feedback, ensuring they meet current and future skill demands.

  • Proven Success: Our courses help clients save time and money while reducing errors and defects.

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